Monday, July 24, 2006


Rita, my beautiful friend who was my best friend in junior high

Emma, the apple of Rita's eye

Budapest, one of the most grand cities in Europe, a true empire

This is for J.L., inspired by her blog, 'you never know where a heart might be', here's one to you from Budapest, my dear friend!

Imgainary citizens

Europe's first underground train system

Rain in Budaptest

One of the many temporary cow sculptures littered across the city

Baruch and Mark, in old Serbian town

The Parliament

Palace of the Arts - a 170-million dollar project, opened in 2005


1 comment:

jennyinla said...

hey, you're back! Are you still in Budapest? From your photos, it seems like you live in another world, another time. How beautiful it all seems...

Thanks for the heart photo. I love it.