Friday, October 28, 2005

an average outing

This month is a rare month when I am actually at home a lot, so today was one of the rare days when I went out...we had to stock up for a dinner party on Sunday. So here it goes:

Nabí walking down the stairs towards our parking space...I took this picture from the mirror behind him...looks like I´m stalking him, LOL

the second building on the left is the famous Casa Batlló on Passaig de Gracia in Barcelona, I like how the building next to it is under construction, and subconsciously, it looks like the Catalan flag...subconscious? really?

the sculpture on top of the Tapies´ museum, looks very cool against the grey sky, this is diagonally to the LEFT of the previous building which was under construction

we pulled up next to this guy at a red light in Plaça Catalunya, for a while he was just dangling his cigarette out of his mouth, and for some reason, I couldn´t stop laughing, I think I could just do a whole portrait book on red light stops :) see below ´WELCOME TO BARCELONA´

our very favorite bakery in the city, completely out of the way, but absolutely worth it...this is Nabí walking out of Forn Boix, not looking as happy as one would expect

oops, I noticed there aren´t any photos of the actual dinner shopping in the grocery store, we ran out of time, and the rest of the trip wa a quick blur, probably due to my ´photo journalism´, but I think Spanish-Catalan grocery stores deserve an entire blog of its own, so another day!

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