Friday, May 23, 2008


M has been taking solo steps for about a week now. She concentrates very hard when doing so without holding onto anything. We never push, she does everything on her own, and once she reaches us, she breaks into giggles and laughs. Here is M cruising around the garden, deadheading flowers that are not dead in the head yet, putting them in her cart as she goes along.

I CAUGHT you taking a picture behind my back, mommy!

yelling at her cart for getting stuck


Nicoleta said...
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cristina i pol said...

bones Nabí i familia, soc el Xavi, el teu cosí. M'ha dit la Nadine on trobarte. Et deixo la meva adreça de mail i si vols estem en contacte.el paso el blog dels meus fills, així els coneixes també. Ja parlarem. Una abraçada de la familia Cabestany-García.

cristina i pol said...

Nabí el meu mail es Soc el teu cosí escriu-me i estem en contacte.