Monday, October 22, 2007

First day back to work

Today was the first day I'm back to work since Mia's birth; it has been 5 months since I stepped into the conservatory. I'm particularly proud of this since it's also the first time I drove to work from home. How silly is it that I am so afraid of driving after having driven for 21 years, and may I softly remind everybody, that I am STILL trying to get my European license, desparately taking the written exam for the THIRD time now... So for now, I drove to school today with N and M, and tomorrow, I may have to venture the same journey alone.

The three of us are establishing our isosceles triangular family dynamic: everybody is back to work 'full time', Mia is learning to 'be', all of us try to keep track of the other two parties, balancing the self with the family, moving as one from three equal directions. To shamelessly use a cliché comparison, it reminds me of good chamber music making, where no one leads and no one follows; the unity breaths and flows as one, always listening and adjusting accordingly.
Obviously, good chamber groups occasionally flop once in a while, but the collective goal is always the same, and I suppose that, is what keeps us going, to reach the end of a piece (a day) together, and having played (expressed, said, done) what we set out to do, and still love each other unconditionally.

Good night and sweet dreams.

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