Thursday, October 18, 2007

free thoughts - changes

So, on my way to the post office today, I noticed something... Mia and I walked by the construction site and I did NOT get rude remarks or noises, but instead....the men SMILED!!! And I don't mean in that condescending eyes up and down kind of smirk, but a genuine I-can't-help-but-smile smile. I suppose everybody has a mother, a wife, or a child, and when a woman has gone through that rite of passage, or at least, demonstrating one by wearing the baby, she becomes a reminder of humanity rather than object. It is sad that young women cannot get the same respect on the street without having to wear a baby, but for now, a smile is a smile, and I'm happy with that.

Second change: I'm beginning to notice babies on the street who are smaller and younger than Mia. It's hard to believe that she's now a 'bigger' girl than some, I suppose this is the same as how we tend to stay at the same age as when we first meet someone. I always become my mother's daughter (often immaturely) when she's around, or act goofily with undergraudate or high school friends. No matter how much time has gone by, or how much we think we have changed inside, and EVEN if we truly have changed inside, when old and good friends are near, there is that hidden part of our past which comes out to play, even if it is just for a moment, and with that one special friend. They keep a part of me that sometimes even I have forgotten.

And more thoughts: This morning, for the first time, I've managed to have Mia by myself, studied for my doctoral exam, make and eat breakfast, do a load of laundry, clean Mia's room, check ebay and facebook, AND make lunch (fancy stew!) I am so amazed at myself (those who know me know that I have NEVER said this before!) What a big change from just a few months ago, or even a few weeks ago, when I couldn't even imagine going to the bathroom without someone's (DH) help nearby...I'm growing as a mother! :)

Oh how I love autumn, a season of changes. Hope everybody is enjoying the transformation.

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